Thursday, April 2, 2009


After hearing about blogs for a while now I finally decided to give it a try. As I sit in my TV room watching Monster Jam, a million things run through my head. There is so much to write!

It all started a little over eight years ago when I discovered I was pregnant with child number 1. After trying to conceive for over six months, it was exciting! While the pregnancy and delivery were not exactly perfect (can we say major surgery after giving birth??), my daughter was.

After two wonderful years with our perfect daughter, we were ready for number 2. Enter miscarraiges, fertility drugs and bedrest! After nine months, our son was born. I fully expected to continue along my path of perfect motherhood. I could even stay home with both children now!

Reality check. My son? NOT perfect! In fact, the title Monster Mom is from him. He is a monster. We are three weeks away from his fourth birthday and he is still a monster. I love him dearly but find it difficult to like him most days!

My daughter? She is seven going on seventeen! Where did my sweet little girl go? Will I ever see her again? Or am I destined to this whining, smart mouthed child forever? I must admit that she does have a thing or two to complain about! She lived the perfect existence of an only child only to have her life rudely interrupted by her brother.

The poor thing. She was so excited to be a big sister and here she gets rewarded with a baby that demnds all of mom's time, cries non stop and as he gets older, lives his life to make hers miserable. Lucky girl, huh?

O, its not all bad! There are plenty of times that the two of them get to giggling and chase each other around the house. I just know they are going to be the best of friends in 15 years! (Please, please let this be true!)

This is my wonderful life as a stay at home mom. The best part is that there is so much more! Cleaning, laundry, cooking, dishes, grocery shopping...The list goes on! Every mother, at home or not, has these chores and I ignorantly thought that I'd have a ton of time to spend with my kids. Not so much....The longer the kids are home, the bigger the mess they make!! I spend more time cleaning up after them than I do playing with them! Why wasn't this listed in the job description???

I suppose I had better not forget my beloved, long suffering husband. What a man! He is currently working two jobs so that I can stay home and continue to be the perfect wife and mother. And cook. And cleaning lady. And finder of lost items. And laundress. The list goes on...

Call me crazy but I absolutely love it all!!

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